WEGAS (WEb Game Authoring System)

All games are created and executed on our open source platform WEGAS (freely downloadable from Github).

Major Incident Medical Simulation

Terms of use

During a major incident involving large numbers of casualties, the emergency services have to adapt their organization and take on new coordination roles.

In this simulation, you’ll be able to take on roles such as first crew on scene, ambulance commander, or medical commander. You’ll have to decide how to manage the event, so as to save as many victims as possible with the resources at your disposal.


Simulation allows you to develop skills in the following areas:

  • Announcing a major incident to the alarm center
  • Human resources management (paramedics, nurses, medical doctors)
  • Management of material resources (ambulances, helicopter, advanced medical post)
  • Evacuation of casualties to hospitals
  • Communication between key posts and alarm center

Institutions interested in the major incident medical management simulation are encouraged to contact us.

The development of this simulation is funded by the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) and Innosuisse.

Mass Casualties Triage

Terms of use

During a mass casualty incident, the triage process enables healthcare providers to make the most effective use of limited medical resources.

In this simulation, you will have to triage a large numbers of casualties. Clinical observation and measurement will  guide your decision about priorities. As in real life, each decision take time, and victims’ conditions will evolve based on time and first aid provided.


In order to guarantee a rapid and quality triage, despite the stressful and uncertain context of major events, training is necessary.

The triage simulation allows for the development of the following skills:

  • Applying a triage algorithm
  • Selecting relevant clinical parameters
  • Deciding on necessary treatments during the triage process

Institutions interested in pre-triage simulation are encouraged to contact us.

The development of this simulation is funded by the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) and Innosuisse.

Project Management Game (PM-Game)

Terms of use
  • Identify stakeholders
  • Define the problem
  • Define goals and objectives
  • Risk management
  • Writing a project proposition
  • Selling the project to the client
  • Project planning (PBS, WBS, PERT, Gantt)
  • Project monitoring and control
  • Conducting meetings with the steering committee
  • Sharing and transmission of acquired knowledge
  • Decision making based on incomplete information

The PM-Game can be used on the basis of license purchases. The price depends on the number of training participants.

For more information, please use the contact form.

Artos Inc.: Product Innovation [supported languages: FR/EN]

You work at Artos Inc., an international manufacturer of machine tools. It’s up to you to transform an innovative idea into a concrete realization. You will have to define objectives, estimate benefits, plan and master the execution.

Belleville: Project management in the public sector [supported language: FR]

You are given the mandate to create a new medical facility that will be open 24 hours a day. You will have to convince all stakeholders, to plan and monitor project delivery. This scenario integrates the specificities of the public sector as it was developed in collaboration with CEP (Centre d’Education Permanente) and CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois).

Non Profit Organization [supported language: FR/EN]

Your foundation wants to respond to a tender call by proposing an awareness campaign on computer addiction. You will have to set up the project proposal, get the different participants on board, plan the campaign and monitor its implementation. This scenario integrates the Logical Frame Approach (LFA).


PRITS (Patient Rights & Innovative Teaching Strategy)

Terms of use

In the PRITS serious game, as a health professional, you interact with different patients. You have to make the right decisions in order to establish a therapeutic relationship that integrates quality of care and respect for patients’ rights.

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Exercises complement the simulation and support the learning process.

Teachers can modify the content of the dialogues and exercises using the integrated content editor.

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  • Practical application of theoretical concepts of patients’ rights
  • Complex case scenarios
  • Assimilation of theoretical concepts
  • Critical thinking

Institutions interested in this serious game are kindly requested to contact us.

The development of this serious game was carried out in close collaboration with HESAV, the Haute École de Santé Vaud.

PRITS project was supported by the HES-SO digital competencies center. 

PRITS is a use case of the co.LAB project, funded by the  Swiss National Science Fondation (SNSF).

Programming Game

Terms of use

In this game, you have to learn basic JavaScript programming in order to control your avatar.

The basis of the Programming Game was developed by AlbaSim. A second version has been developed in the framework of the “Programming and Computational Thinking” project financed by the Hasler Foundation, in a collaboration between AlbaSim and the Laboratory of Pedagogical Innovation (LIP, University of Fribourg, Switzerland).

Play the demo
  • Sequence of instructions
  • Variables
  • Functions
  • Conditions and logic
  • Iterations

The Programming Game is available for free at wegas.albasim.ch (currently in an older version than shown here).

If you are a teacher and would like to have a “trainer account” to follow your students’ work in real time inside the Programming Game, please use the contact form.

Credits to Swan Keller for the graphical design of the game.

We would like to thank Cyberlearn for its participation in the development of the first version and the Hasler Foundation for funding the second version.

Emergency Room Triage

Terms of use

In this serious game, you take the role of a triage nurse in an emergency room. You receive and examine patients successively in order to assign them an urgency degree according to the Swiss Emergency Triage Scale (SETS®). This is done by asking anamnesis questions and measuring vital parameters. Stressors of different types will complicate your work: interruptions such as phone calls, patients or relatives getting impatient, background noise of varying nature and intensity.

In the current version of the serious game, which is aimed at already trained specialists, traces of player activity are collected in order to answer research questions.

Later on, this serious game will also become a real training tool.

Institutions interested in this serious game are kindly requested to contact us.

A precondition for using this serious game is to be an institution that adheres to the Swiss Emergency Triage Scale (SETS®).

The development of this serious game was carried out in close collaboration with the “La Source” nursing school in Lausanne.


Terms of use

In the M-Benefits game, you are hired as an energy manager at Pickles, an international company involved in the production of canned food. Your objective is to convince the company’s Project Selection Committee to finance your Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs).

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Competition between projects is intense: there are many proposals and limited budgets. It is therefore necessary to gather convincing arguments and develop good contacts with your colleagues in order to obtain information and support!

This game is a deliverable of the M-Benefits (Multiple benefits of energy efficiency) project funded by the European Commission (Horizon 2020 framework program).

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After taking part in this game, you will be able to:

  • Broaden your analysis from a technical approach to a business management approach.
  • Identify the energy-efficiency measures that will convince your company’s top management.

The M-Benefits game is available on wegas.albasim.ch.

If you are a teacher and would like to have a “trainer account” to follow your students’ work in real time inside the game, please use the contact form.

This game is currently playable in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Swedish, Polish, Portuguese.

Clinical Cardiac Evaluation

Terms of use

In this simulation, you will take care of a patient who came to the emergency room with complaints of chest pain.

You can interview the patient to take a history, conduct medical examinations such as heart auscultation or pulse-taking, and request radiographies or an ECG.

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Then you will have to interpret the results and will be allowed to perform actions such as giving an oxygen therapy or placing a central venous catheter.

This simulation was developed in close partnership with La Source School of Nursing Sciences (Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source).

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To develop the ability to provide the patient with comprehensive care.

Interested trainers are kindly requested to get in touch using the contact form.

This serious game was developed in close partnership with La Source School of Nursing Sciences (Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source).


Corporate Law

Terms of use

You work as a trainee lawyer in the Bonnechance law firm. Your training supervisor asks you to welcome a new client and to provide counsel on the creation of a new company.

This simulation was developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva.

  • Choice of company type
  • Evaluation of initial contributions
  • Company valuation
  • Release of capital
  • Opening balance sheet
  • Writing a legal opinion

Interested trainers are kindly requested to contact us via the contact form.

This simulation was developed in close collaboration with the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva.

Cancer Care (OncoSim)

Terms of use

In this simulation, you play the role of a nursing trainee who is assigned to take care of a patient coming for an ambulatory cancer treatment.

This simulation was developed in collaboration with two schools of nursing sciences: Haute Ecole de Santé Fribourg (HEDS-FR) and Haute Ecole de santé du canton de Vaud (HESAV).

  • Comprehensive patient care
  • Collection of medical data
  • Relationship with patient
  • Making a care delivery proposal

Interested trainers are kindly requested to get in touch using the contact form.

This simulation was developed in close collaboration with two schools of nursing sciences: Haute Ecole de Santé Fribourg (HEDS-FR) and Haute Ecole de santé du canton de Vaud (HESAV).