Users of our serious games

ASUR – École Supérieure d’Ambulancier et de Soins d’Urgence Romande

Training to Major Incident Medical Management

University of Bordeaux

Bachelor and master programs

University Aix-Marseille

Bachelor and Master programs

X – Polytechnique Paris

Executive Master "Leading International Project"

University of Geneva

Postgraduates studies at GSEM and Medicine faculty


Media Engineering
Management Engineering
Civil Engineering
Business Administration

Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source

Research, bachelor and master programs

University of Lausanne, HEC

Bachelor in Business Administration
Master in Criminology
MAS Sustainable urbanism

University of Ager – Norway

Bachelor and master programs

Haute Ecole de la Santé Fribourg

Bachelor and master programs

EHL – Ecole Hôtelière Lausanne

Bachelor & Master programs

HESAV – Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud

Bachelor and Master courses

Haute école de santé de Genève

Bachelor et master programs

École supérieure d’Informatique, réseaux et systèmes d’information

Project management courses

National Technical University of Athens

Professional training

Conservatoire national des arts et métiers

Project Management Specialization
Master In Management

TATA Projects – India

Professional training


Bachelor and master programs


Centre d'éducation permanente pour la fonction publique

Foundation For Innovation and Technology Transfert

Professional training

New York University

MBA Program - Prague

Bucharest University of Economic Studies

MBA courses in project management

Gymnase intercantonal de la Broye

Programming Game

University of Combria (ISR)

Professional training

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Cyprus

Bachelor and master programs

Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE)

Professional training

Italian Federation for the Rational Use of Energy (FIRE)

Professional training

Larsen & Toubro – India

Internal trainings


Radio Télévision Suisse

Institute for Resource Efficiency and Energy Strategies

Professional training

Graz Energy Agency

Professional training


Formations internes

Etat de Fribourg

Formations internes


Formations et conseils en gestion de projet

Segula Technologies

Formations internes

Roger Dubuis

Formations internes


Formations internes

Sécheron SA

Formations internes


Formations internes

Sophia Antipolis

Formations internes

Chapman University California

MBA – in partnership with AAU


Bachelor in Computer Sciences
CAS "Gestion d'équipe et conduite de projet"

University of Ottawa, School of Business



Ecole supérieure d'ingénierie informatique


Bs in Business Administration
Executive MBA

HEG Fribourg

Formation continue


Executive MBA

Anglo-American University

MBA – in partnership with Chapman University

ESSEC – Paris

Executive Master "Leading International Project"